Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 2

This last week I spent 5 hours with the kids in JCB. Their youth group was cancelled Wednesday night because of various reasons, so I have yet to participate in that, but yesterday morning I went to their Sunday school and we worshiped through singing, fellowship, and listening to Charlie speak on surrendering our lives to Christ so we can truly be free. Then, last night, I helped at the Super Bowl party for several hours. It was such a blast getting to know the kids, running around, goofing off, and forgetting that I am 18 and in college for a little while :). We ate, played basketball, football, ate, laughed, sang, jumped around, ate, and cleaned up (there was ALOT of food!!!).

Things like last night remind me why I want to do this for the rest of my life and test my patience with it all at the same time. The time getting to know the teens, investing in their lives, and showing them Christ (even if they do think we're a little dorky) is so awesome. They're entergetic, fun, and frustrating. It's a big mushy ball of sweetness and frustration all rolled into one. Thankfully, determination usually wins and rolls of the frustration in order to let the light shine through. The same wonderful kids can be in their "I'm too cool to think you're cool" state and the "but I still think you're cool because you're older" state. Haha! There was also a point where one little munchkin kept pulling off my hat. "Be patient, Haley," is what kept running through my head. Eventually I was able to cease pressing my hat on my head to keep it from the little menacing hands, but it was definately a struggle getting there! But, ya still gotta love 'em!

My spiritual life has been slightly rocky this week. God is teaching me amazing things and I cannot wait to see where He continues to take me. But, as a perfectionist life tends to weigh slightly heavier on my shoulders -- all a fault of my own. I'm learning to love myself for me and allow others to love me as well. God is my strength, my comforter, and my best friend. I will come out standing on top!!!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Hey girl!
About your spiritual life this week. I tend to have perfectionist tendencies too. And it does get difficult when you cannot do things by yourself when you wish you could. I guess just looking towards our future ministries, we will have to come to terms that we will need help. And we will have to trust that God will continually put the people in our lives who will challenge us, help us, and just support our work!