Friday, October 31, 2008

A Desert's Uncharted Path

It’s almost 70 outside, the sun is shining and the leaves are amazing colors! What a beautiful day. I’m outside doing my homework (or lack thereof :P) and just had to document this beautiful change of weather! Just a couple days ago I was bundled up in my coat and scarf hurrying to my classes to avoid losing a ligament to frostbite – ok so I’m exaggerating for sure, but the point is: I’m outside in jeans and a t-shirt, the breeze is just right, and I’m successfully avoiding a paper :D. Sometimes our walks with God feel this way. There are those beautiful days of summer where the sun is shining almost constantly. There may be the occasional cloud or rainstorm, but overall the days are sunny and optimistic. But then, out of nowhere, the weather changes and you need your coat. At first you can handle it, it isn’t that cold yet. But slowly you have to add the scarf, the gloves, and finally the boots to trample through the snow with. It feels like you are embarking on a journey you didn’t bargain for, through weather you didn’t have a say in and you can’t pretend it’s not happening as much as you try. The spiritual dryness that sometimes comes up from the spring of life I was just indulging in can be disheartening, discouraging, and cause me to shiver when I was expecting to bask in the sunshine. But, I do have coat despite how cold it gets. God covers me with his love even when I can’t feel it in the cold desert. He wraps his strength around me and gives me the courage to walk through it. The fact of the matter is: even when the clouds cover the sun, the sun still shines. It still exists. It still gives light. Just because I can’t see it doesn’t mean it disappeared. It will shine again. But through the shadow of the dryness I can learn to strengthen my faith even when it feels like the there is nothing to lean on or any path to follow. But even when the snow or confusion and weariness covers all the paths I am familiar with, God can show me a new way I never thought could exist. In fact, it may end up being the path that leads me to a place I would not have made it otherwise and becomes a way I often take other places. So in difficulties I will look to the Son even when clouds cover my view, because He doesn’t stop shining. I will keep walking even when I can’t see my path, because although I didn’t bargain for this journey, it’s better than I could have asked for. What a beautiful day; everyday.
Thank you for shining, Savior, even when I can’t see past my confusion.

1 comment:

Shay Bogear said...

Wow Love, absolutely amazing. Your words are so true and speak great wisdom into my life. You are going to do amazing things with the way you write, its awesome. Well it is late and I am sorry but I don't think I will be getting a blog up tonight :( sorry. I have to be up early cause we are going to Prague tomorrow!!! Exciting!!! I miss you so much baby. You are amazing. Keep living for Him everyday. I love you Haley!!! By the way, I got to stand in the middle of Europe yesterday :)